Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”
The Bible is not a book of fairytales, it is a book of history. The history of who we are, where we come from, and about our maker. It includes events that occurred long before our time and the predictions of future events to come. This was all done by men, who, by His spirit, God chose to work with, out of love and so that the truth would be known by His people and future generations.
The Old Testament is filled with real life stories and information about who God is, what He requires from His people and prophecies. The coming of Jesus was a part of the many prophecies made in the Old Testament. And this was prophesied by prophets such as, Isaiah, Zechariah, Jeremiah and David, to name a few. In the Bible –the blueprint of how we should live –scriptures reveal that Jesus, the son of God, was always with God before the beginning and that He was not just man (John 17:5). We needed a savior and Jesus, the son of man, was that savior; God’s promise to us.
Why did we need a savior?
Humans were conformed to the ways of the world (Romans 12:2) and due to wickedness in the hearts of men, we were no longer able to connect with God (Habbakuk 1:13 and Psalms 5:4). Therefore, we weren’t able to walk in our true purpose –the purpose we were made to fulfill in partnership with our creator, which is, overall, to glorify Him in everything we do; opening the door to His many blessings (Matthew 6:33). We were turned away from Him because of deception. In other words, the enemy was successfully leading the world astray. But God’s love for His people is so great that He orchestrated a plan to make the enemy powerless against His people and more importantly, for us to reconnect with Him (revelations 12:11). We could not save ourselves. Our sinful nature prevented that. The only way this would be possible was through Jesus. The plan was for Him to walk the earth as man, to become the ultimate sacrifice, to save us from eternal death. The entire Bible pointed to His coming, and that Jesus would set up a kingdom that would be greater than all kingdoms; a kingdom that is imperishable (Daniel 2:44-45).
Centuries later, the promise of God was fulfilled. Jesus, the son of God, connected to the Father as one, along with the Holy Spirit, lived among us as a man.
In this post, I’m going to dive into the extraordinary life of Jesus. From His miraculous conception to His gruesome death and why we should all surrender our lives to Him.
He’s a healer
The time had come for God to save His people from the curse that was over us. And so, the promised Messiah was miraculously conceived, a conception that was purely divine, and without the intervention of a man. From young age to adulthood, Jesus kept His focus on God, walked in His will and grew in His spiritual walk (Luke 2:40). During His ministry, Jesus taught people about the true way of life, and as He went about preaching the word of God, many were healed because of their faith (Luke 5:34). In addition to that, the kingdom of Satan was rattled when Jesus cast out demons, revealing the truth behind some illnesses and behaviors of children, men and women. Jesus brought restoration, hope and peace as He sought to heal all those who came to Him for healing. As a result of His sacrifice, which led Him to being the only source that connects us to our Heavenly Father, there’s power in the name of Jesus, forever. Because He stood humbly before the Father on His earthly journey, He was lifted up. Jesus is the true definition of Matthew 5:5, which says “the meek shall inherit the earth.” Philippians 2:9 says, “wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, giving Him a name which is above every name.” After His death, the disciples went on to casting out demons and healing many in His name, proving that by the power of God through Jesus Christ, we are capable of more than we could ever imagine. In Acts 3:12, Peter, a disciple of Jesus, said to a crowd of people who marveled at the miracle Him and the other disciples performed, “why marvel at this? Or why look so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man walk?.” God is the shepherd that leads us and by His power and His spirit we walk with strength and authority. God is faithful, His promise to His people was fulfilled, and we are redeemed and now have victory over the enemy. He will not only restore you and heal you, but he will sustain you. In John 4:14 Jesus said, “but whosoever drink of the water that I shall give him shall NEVER thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” This verse emphasizes that only Jesus can sustain us. We weren’t made to live life apart from our Creator’s guidance. That’s why when we do, it leaves us empty.
His love
The love that Jesus delivered to the world was proof that He was not of this world. The state of His heart (His love for all people) and His close connection to the Father was so powerful that only by touching His garment alone, along with just a little faith, you would be healed (Luke 8:43-48). This tells us that the posture of our hearts determines how much God can do through us. Jesus’s walk on the earth wasn’t only to be a physical sacrifice, but to demonstrate what a true person of God should look like and be like. He explained that we too can be like Him and heal people the same way He did. He sat with the least of us and revealed through His actions and words the immense love that our Father has for each and everyone us — not only expressing how much we are greatly loved but that there is more to all of this than what we can see with our physical eyes —much, much more. He explained that love covers a multitude of sins through the two most important commandments. One, to love God with all of our hearts, soul and body, and two, to love our neighbors (anyone you’ve encountered) as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). Jesus taught that we should visit and care for the widows, the fatherless and all those in need and if we reject them, then we’ve rejected Him. What good can come from selfishness, greed, stinginess, strife and hate? The character and personality of God is revealed in Jesus. God is love and Jesus embodied this.
The death
The writings of the Old Testament predicted the suffering that Christ would endure before He was sent to walk as man among us. Isaiah 53:5 (Old Testament) says, “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed.” Jesus was crucified for sharing that He and God, the Father is one (John 10:33). But this was all part of God’s plan because what seemed just carnal and evil was victory for humanity. Spiritually, Jesus was being crucified for our sins. He was the final sacrifice to reconnect us to our Father. The death of Jesus was not short of gruesome. Before the act, He pleaded with His Father for another way to save us because, as a man, He suffered mentally knowing, as a God, what’s to come (Luke 22:42). Jesus’s brutal suffering on the cross was an example of what we deserve, not just once but forever. I know, sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. As written by Ellen G White, “Christ was treated as we deserve that we may be treated as He deserves.” Many of us are walking around thinking we’re “good” and that what we’ve experienced in our lives is not fair. But on the contrary, none of us are good. God alone is good because He’s holy. We all have evil tendencies inside of us and many times we blame God out of ignorance for our past ancestors disobedience and our own disobedience that led to the very destruction that we’re complaining about. In Hosea 4:6 the Lord said “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” Nevertheless, our creator loves us so much that He gave us a chance through Jesus, to turn away from our sins, so that we can live with Him forever, in peace, joy and love (revelations 21:4). We were redeemed from the curse of death after Jesus died on the cross, and we had the victory once Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to the Father. We are free and no longer have to partake in performing animal sacrifice to the Lord because the ultimate sacrifice was done. “It is finished” were Jesus’s last words, meaning He has fulfilled His purpose on the earth. And we are free from the curse of death and free to connect with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, with a chance to live eternally. When we ask “why does God allow certain things to happen?” We should remember this moment of Christ’ suffering; that there are two kingdoms, one of evil and the other of good, and while the ruler of darkness is constantly trying to destroy people, Jesus is constantly working all things out for the good of His people. Isaiah 55:8-9 says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Although it looks complicated to us, we must remember that we have a God who is always working in our favor and is using what the enemy meant for bad, for our good (Ezekiel 18:23).
There’s a spiritual world around us that we can’t see with our naked eyes and the God of Abraham is ruler over all of it including what our eyes can see. He is always with us. He sees ALL things and knows ALL things. He determines if we live forever with Him or if we live forever apart from Him. He knew you from before you were born, and has plans for you –for your entire life. And now that Jesus has connected us back to Him, we are able to literally hear, see and feel God all around us when we make the decision to invite Him into every area of our lives. Having said that, when we are born into a certain life that’s outside of God or is led astray, God has a way of leading us back to Him, to fulfill our true purpose in Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus is no respecter of persons, if you cry out to Him or just simply seek Him, He will answer you, regardless of who you are or what your situation is. Many have testified of this and in these testimonies, you’ll find stories of supernatural experiences of Jesus appearing to people, answering certain prayers, healing the sick, and much more. You can find some of these testimonies on platforms such as YouTube or other social media sites and also from your local church. God is always ready to help, you are never alone. Revelations 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in with him and eat with him, and he with me.”
Lastly, I’ve experienced my God not only by looking at this beautiful world, universe and people that He created, but I’ve also experienced Him in my life. He’s within me and is all around me. He leads my steps, daily, because I abide in Him. To add, due to my love and reverence for Him, I’ve had spiritual experiences that only strengthened my walk with Christ. And in this spiritual maturity, even when I don’t “feel” Him, I keep worshiping because I know He’s right here and that He might be even closer to me than ever before. Billy Graham said in one of his sermons, that, as a young man, his mother said to him, “the moments you don’t feel anything are the moments He may be the closest, because that’s the moment that you must walk by sheer faith and God may be testing you.” It’s a beautiful walk knowing that I am never alone and that I have a God who cares for us not just as a human race but individually.
Many, many blessing to you!
Philippians 2:10-11 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ”